About God

We believe God alone is the fitting object of our worship. There is one God, who exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

About Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ is God the Son. As God and man, He lived a perfect, sinless life on earth. His death on the cross paid the penalty for our sins and is the only basis for the salvation of those who trust in Him. He rose bodily from the grave.

Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is God. He dwells in the believer, glorifies Christ and equips us for service.

About Man

We believe that man is created by God in God’s image, through sin has become unable to please God, and is condemned to suffer eternal punishment apart from accepting God’s gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

About Salvation

We believe that salvation is freely offered to all and comes only through Jesus Christ alone. Salvation provides the believer with eternal life in God’s presence.

The Bible

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God. Every word is inspired by God, and is without error in the original writings.


We believe that angels are created beings that worship God and do His work as He directs. They are spirits that have shown up in human form. Satan and all his demons are fallen angels who fight God in every way possible and will experience eternal judgment in the lake of fire.

Baptism and Communion

We believe that communion and believer’s baptism by immersion should be celebrated.

The Church

We believe that the church is composed of all those with personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and is expressed locally by this fellowship in worship, service, and obeying Jesus command to make disciples.