We can walk in love and intentionally invest in relationships only as we abide in Christ’s love and experience the many facets of His rich love that fills, transforms, and overflows us to one another.
Satan wants to discourage us from BLESSing others. We must overcome the apathy, fear, and selfish desires in the promises and power God graciously and abundantly supplies.
The opportunity to B.L.E.S.S. one person is always TODAY. As we reflect the heart of our Savior to seek and to save the lost, we trust the God will be opening opportunities of impact each day that we must intentionally respond to in the moment.
Challenge to invest in the lives of our youth and kids We are in a battle for their hearts and lives!
Each 1 of us must GO to share the good news to the 1 in our life needing to experience God’s love and hear the Story that has changed our lives and can change theirs.
God created us to love and be loved. It is our sinful flesh, deceitful enemy, and world system that tempt us to live for ourselves. But all who abide in God follow His command to love one another.
God created us to be a part of the very Body of Christ, a community united into one by the redeeming work of Jesus, called to reflect His heart for relationship as we bring wholeness as we bless those around us.